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This page is designed to unravel the shocking truth about the

many discussions and delusion of propaganda regarding the

Heavenly Family often referred to as the Triune Beings, the

Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All bible quotes are

coming out of the Holy Bible, the Holy Apocrypha, and some

lost books of the Bible.


I will purposefully disclose the truth in its purest form that

what we have been taught is further from the truth than what

has been disclosed through parental upbringing, our

government/educational and religious institutions! Right out

of the womb we are brain washed too be, behave, beware, be quiet

and believe a certain way, our parents most likely have already been indoctrinated

and are acclimated to societies rule, regulations and ways;

in regard to what is acceptable and what is not in relations to our (SPEF) spiritual, physical,

emotional and financial being belief system.  


The Heavenly Family will prove to you through our Holy Prophetess, Apostle, and our Holy servant;

that a real family (Mother, Father & Child {Son}) exist in Heaven as per the Holy scriptures. And not the

dysfunctional family unit that has been choking down our throats since we arrived in the world.


As a servant of the Most High Family of heaven, I will through their divine assistance, prove it HERE that THEY EXIST! I will break down even the simplest scripture that proves we have a family in Heaven that includes our Heavenly Mother, our Heavenly Father, and the Child the Lamb of God. And that no other order exists in heaven above or earth below. And that there is one true and loving God creator of all things good and evil.


There are many researchers and religions that agree; based on the Holy scripture, that a female is present in the making of man. If we were to break down the holy word in its purest form and go back to the original language before the land began to speak English: We would find that the person, we were taught as a Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is indeed of feminine persuasion. (Having qualities or an appearance traditionally associated with women).


You are probably thinking, well I didn’t know that! Believe me, I didn’t always know this powerful life changing piece of information either! I was misled and misguided just like the rest of the world. I was ignorant of the truth and had to search the earth high and low for this world’s best kept secret hidden in plain sight. For many years going to church, I felt something was off, but I could not put my finger on what it was. I was deceived just like the rest of the world. It was a very painful experience to my religious and traditional belief system, realizing that I did not know everything about God and such a powerful piece of information was hidden or kept from me.  I cried for days. However, from pain comes reward and I was rewarded with truth and knowledge which set me free, and I hope this knowledge and wisdom that I uncovered through the scriptures, apocrypha and other lost books of the bible that were secret until recent years, would help you become free too.


Now that I have wet your thirst for more let’s get right into how I came across this powerful hidden truth that changed the course and the rest of my life!


When it comes to talking about the bible and all its amazing stories, parables, and history, it is hard to come to some type of agreement when discussing portions of the book with people from multiple backgrounds, cultures, upbringings and different beliefs systems. Many can argue the many facets of the bible: how it came to be, whether or not every word is true, who wrote the bible, and the list goes on. Not to mention the many religions that disagree on some of the simplest scriptures and its interpretation. One topic I had recently but not widely discussed, is this: Is there a female in the God Head in Heaven? And if so, why do we not know anything about Her? And why is She not discussed? Why is She or was She hidden from us? This and only this is the major reason this piece of writing came into existence. And this is what we will be discussing further a little later in this body of work.


The fact that we all were created in the likeness and in the image of a Holy Spirit whether male or female we will discuss later in the book. But for now, many of us were taught that our Heavenly parents(family) consisted of a Heavenly Father (a male), the Son of God {a male} and the Holy Spirit, (a genderless spirit). Ok let’s talk about it:


Clearly, we are given a clue (secret) right in the title of the person many of us believe in worship and serve: He is called Heavenly Father! Before we get to deep, ask yourself this question: What is a Father? And what gives him the right to be called a Father? This is pretty easy if you ask me.  A Father is a man who has impregnated a woman. Pure and simple a man must get a woman pregnant to be called a father. And we all know what happens when a man and a woman get to know one another; a child usually comes of the knowing. (Gen. 4:1 and Adam knew Eve and she became with child)


And the Son of God (Lamb of God the Christ) is a Child (a male child), who had to come from the union of Woman and Man. Many individuals look to Mary the earthly mother of Jesus, but what about the spirit within Jesus. Our Lord was a spirit first before he came to the earth. A male spirit inhabited the body of our Lord the Christ. 1 Corinthian 15:44 There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. The Heavenly Spirit that bore his spirit body and caused Jesus to breathe, the Heavenly Father and the Heavenly Mother spirit that gave him life. Essence Gospel of Peace Book 1 tells us about our Heavenly Mother clearly it says:  And they asked him in amazement: "Who is our Mother and which her angels? And where is her kingdom?" "Your Mother is in you, and you in her. She bore you she gives you life. It was she who gave to you your body, and to her shall you one day give it back again. Happy are you when you come to know her and her kingdom; if you receive your Mother's angels and if you do her laws. I tell you truly, he who does these things shall never see disease. For the power of our Mother is above all. And it destroys Satan and his kingdom and has rule over all your bodies and all living things.  FOR YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER IS LOVE. FOR YOUR HEAVENLY MOTHER IS LOVE. FOR THE SON OF MAN IS LOVE. "It is by love, that the Heavenly Father and the Heavenly Mother and the Son of Man become one. For the spirit of the Son of Man was created from the spirit of the Heaven Father, and his body from the body of the Heavenly Mother. Become, therefore, perfect as the spirit of your Heavenly Father and the body of your Heavenly Mother are perfect. And so, love your Heavenly Father, as he loves your spirit. And so, love your Heavenly Mother, as she loves your body. So why did Satan try so hard to keep this knowledge secret.


And why is this topic not widely discussed and hidden from the masses. We see in the traditional teaching there is no woman involved in creating the world!  No Female in the child making process of the Spiritual Son of God. Where is the Mother of the Son? Well, I have found her in the scriptures. Let me ask when did men start having children without the need of a female? When did a man ever had a child? If earth was made in the very image and likeness of Heaven then we see in the earth, only women bare children! And if women in the earth bare children, then it is only reasonable to believe that a woman bore spirit children and was a great part of the creation of the world and man (human). Wisdom of Solomon 7:1-5 And in my mother’s, womb was fashioned to be flesh in the time of ten months, being compacted in blood, of the seed of man, and the pleasure that come with sleep. And when I was born, I drew in the common air, and fell upon the earth, which is of like nature, and the first voice which I uttered was crying, as all others do. I was nursed in swaddling clothes, and that with cares. For there is no king that had any other beginning of birth.


We see HU in the word Human means (a name for God) which tell us that when God created man, We were given the name of God. Man means (a man being of either sex, a person). Genesis 1:26 tells us, And God said, Let US make man in our image, after Our likeness; and let them have dominion … We can see that God the Father was not alone when he made this statement as many would have us to believe. We see in the beginning of man’s creations; two types of Males were created. (Female and Male) two types of Man were created (Woman and Man). Let me help you understand this passage from an earthly perspective, A man says to his wife honey let us make a baby, and ten months later when the baby arrives, he says her oh my honey we created a baby. You first got to make a baby before you can create a baby! Does that make sense. They had to make (mate) before they could create. Action and then the result. God had spiritual children before the earthly children were born. In other words, God the Father and God the Mother created spiritual children before the children of the earth were created Adam the Hu(man)being the first man created according to the bible.


Now let’s discuss how they lead us to believe in a genderless spirit when no genderless spirit exists. Ok, now that we have discussed the Heavenly Father and how He got His title Father. We also, discussed the Son, who had to come from a woman obviously spirit and human. Know that Spirit can exist without man, but man cannot exist without Spirit. Let us discuss the Holy Spirit. In the religious teachings paralleled by most religions is that the Holy Spirit is genderless, neither male or female: Yet many religions refer to the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost as he! Eliminating any evidence of a Female or femininity in the Godhead. We are left to believe that the Holy Spirit is a genderless Spirit with limited abilities and is male and unseen to the natural eyes. But this is far from the truth. This harsh teaching that eliminates the female from the true Godhead and Triune Beings, leaves us only to believe in a monotheism Gospel One God only and that no woman had anything to do with the creation of man. According to Kabbalistic Jewish writings in The Bahir, 16 it says: “God has a female counterpart”, referred to as “Wisdom”, that helped create this world (Proverbs 8:24-27).


We were taught that the God head consisted of this Order, father, son, and holy spirit; (man, man, spirit) that created the world and all the beings in it. But I will discuss how far from the truth this teaching is. The truth is that we are taught fiction and lies to keep us in the dark and keep us from knowing our true identities; though we were created in the dark by marvelous hands we don’t have to remain in the dark when Christ died for our sins: We now have access to that marvelous light and knowledge of our Heavenly Mother. Yes, that we are truly created in the very image of the true Godheads Female and Male God. Satan did everything to deceive us and tried to prevent us from coming into the knowledge of truth and light. The very existence of a female God whose image all females are created after. And all males are created after image of our Heavenly Father. And all humans have the spirits of our Heavenly family in us to exist.  Our Heavenly Mother has been a part of the creation of Heaven and Earth and all that dwell therein from the very beginning. Ecclesiasticus 24:1-3 Wisdom shall praise herself and shall glory in the midst of her people. In the congregation of the most High shall she open her mouth, and triumph before his power. I came out of the mouth of the most High, and covered the earth as a cloud I dwelt in high places, and my throne is in a cloudy pillar. I alone compassed the circuit of heaven, and walked in the bottom of the deep. Verse 8 says So the Creator of all things gave me a commandment, and he that made me caused my tabernacle to rest, and said, Let thy dwelling be in Jacob, and thine inheritance in Israel, He created me from the beginning before the world, and I shall never fail.


Please inner stand without a female no man can be born. Solomon tells us no king was born any other way, than through the womb of a woman. Wisdom of Solomon 7 says: I was born of a woman: For there is no king that had any other beginning of birth. For all men have one entrance into life, and the like going out.


So, let’s take a look at what Jesus said in the scripture: John 14:16-17 says: 16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that she may abide with you forever; 17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth they seeth her not, neither knoweth her: but ye know her; for she dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.


Why can’t the world receive her? Because they don’t see her, they don’t believe in her nor do they believe she even exists. It easier for man to believe in a genderless spirit and call it him rather than give reverence to a holy female spirit. Acts 7:51 Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did so do ye.


Jesus said that he will pray to the Father and he will give you another comforter. Let’s stop right there for a moment and look at the meaning of the word comforter: Which means a person or thing that provides consolation. I think we need to dig just a little deeper into the original meaning of the word or title Holy Spirit which we all know to be the Spirit of Truth.  How does the original language define the word Holy Spirit? Well let’s see. Hebrew is our original language: In Hebrew, the word for Spirit (Ruach) is feminine, which is used in the Hebrew Bible. In Rabbinic literature of the midrash, this Spirit has always been known and spoken about from a feminine aspect; and is known as the “Shekhinah” - the Divine manifested Presence. The name Shekinah is feminine. original Hebrew meaning of holy spirit feminine - Bing


So now, when we go back and re-read the bible, we can look at it with a new fresh set of spiritual perspective. Don’t be afraid to change all word gender related to male or man and put a {(FE) or a (WO)} in front and know God the Mother and God the Father are speaking to their children. Take the words and the intentions and read with deep conviction knowing our Mother was hidden from the unlearned, but is manifested to those of us who wish to see Her! I am She and She is me whose image I am! If we begin to read and put, she and her in some of the places we see him or he THEN we will see Her all over the book! From Essences Gospel of Peace, and from Genesis to Revelations, including the lost books of the bible we find our Heavenly Mother.


In this book I will show you variations of her speaking in plain sight throughout the word of God.


Apostle D.A. Finney-Williams

I impart words not taught by human but by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual.

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