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Do we have parents in Heaven?

Updated: Mar 18, 2023

The answer to this question is yes, we have parents in heaven. And we have parents in the earth. There are scriptures that refer to them both, our earthly mother and father, which God tells us call no man on earth Father. We also have Heavenly Spiritual Parents who bore our spiritual bodies. As our earthly parents bore our physical bodies. For so long we have been lied too, about this very topic on spiritual parents! This was intentionally done to keep the truth hidden; to keep people in the dark and ignorant. For Ignorance makes you a slave but truth makes you free. After researching the Apocrypha and reading as many of the lost books of the Bible as I could find and get my hands on: I looked for her, I sought out for her diligently, and I am glad to tell you my readers I have found her. In my research I looked for any clue, any words, that would bring me closer to truth. Here are some samples of what I found after researching and reading from some of these Lost books of the Bible. According to:

The Book of Egyptians page 12 of the pdf document, and I quote, (“One group of gnostic sources claims to have received a secret tradition from Jesus through James and through Mary Magdalene (who the Gnostics revered as consorts to Jesus). Members of this group prayed to both the divine Father and Mother: ‘From Thee, Father, and through Thee, Mother, the two immortal names, Parents of the divine being, and thou, dweller in heaven, humanity, of the mighty name…’) The Gnostics also believed that (‘The Father opens his bosom, but his bosom is the Holy Spirit our Mother. I am the Father, I am the Mother, I am the Son. I am the undefiled and incorruptible one. Now I have come to teach you what is and what was and what will come to pass, that you may know the things which are not revealed and those which are revealed, and to teach you concerning the unwavering race of the perfect Man.” Holy Spirit who is called the mother of the living.)

The Book of the Egyptians also is one of the first places during my research that I have seen the word Mother-Father used. I have known through the spirit for some time now, that the word Mother-Father is holy, but Satan turned it into a curse word in order to defy the holiness of the title Mother-Father! You will see in these next few lost books of the Bible how so many of them are mentioning our parents.

The Gospel of Philip says: When we were Hebrews, we were orphans and had only our mother, but when we became Christians, we had both father and mother. "The Father" and "the Son" are single names; "the Holy Spirit" is a double name. For they are everywhere: they are above, they are below; they are in the concealed, they are in the revealed. The Holy Spirit is, in the revealed: She is below. She is in the concealed: She is above. As for the Wisdom who is called "the barren," she is the mother of the angels. The soul of Adam came into being by means of a breath. The partner of his soul is the spirit. His mother is the thing that was given to him. His soul was taken from him and replaced by a spirit. He who has knowledge of the truth is a free man, but the free man does not sin, for "He who sins is the slave of sin" (Jn 8:34). Truth is the mother, knowledge the father. Ignorance is the mother of all evil

The Teachings of Silvanus says: But return, my son, to your first father, God, and Wisdom, your Mother, from whom you came into being from the very first in order that you might fight against all of your enemies, the Powers of the Adversary.

Trimorphic Protennoia teaches us: I am the Image of the Invisible Spirit, and it is through me that the All took shape, and (I am) the Mother (as well as) the Light.

In the Gospel of the Holy Twelve Lection 19 We see the disciples asking Jesus how to pray? As Jesus was praying in a certain place on a mountain, some of his disciples came unto him, and one of them said, Lord teach us how to pray. And Jesus said unto them, When thou prayest enter into thy secret chamber, and when thou hast closed the door, pray to Abba Amma Who is above and within thee, and thy Father-Mother Who seest all that is secret shall answer thee openly. Our Father-Mother Who art above and within: Hallowed be Thy Name in twofold Trinity. In Wisdom, Love and Equity Thy Kingdom come to all.

Acts of Thomas we see our Mother: And they have glorified and praised with the living spirit, the Father of truth and the mother of wisdom. One of Thomas poems or songs included mention of our Heavenly Mother. He says: Come, thou holy name of the Christ that is above every name. Come, thou power of the Most High, and the compassion that is perfect. Come, gift (charism) of the Most High. Come, compassionate mother. Come, communion of the male. Come, she that revealeth the hidden mysteries. Come, mother of the seven houses, that thy rest may be in the eighth house. Come, elder of the five members, mind, thought, reflection, consideration, reason; communicate with these young men. Come, holy spirit, and cleanse their reins and their heart, and give them the added seal, in the name of the Father and Son and Holy Ghost our Mother. we glorify and praise thee and thine invisible Father and thine holy Spirit [and] the mother of all creation. And he began to say: Come, O perfect compassion, Come O communion of the male, Come, she that knoweth the mysteries of him that is chosen, Come, she that hath part in all the combats of the noble champion (athlete), Come, the silence that revealeth the great things of the whole greatness, Come, she that manifesteth the hidden things and maketh the unspeakable things plain, the holy dove that beareth the twin young, Come, the hidden mother, Come, she that is manifest in her deeds and giveth joy and rest unto them that are joined unto her. We invoke upon thee the name of the mother, of the unspeakable Page | 56 mystery of the hidden powers and authorities.

We learn from The Book of Enoch during a conversation with the angel. Then Raphael the holy angel, who was with me, answered me and said: "This is the tree of wisdom, of which thy father old and thy aged mother, who were before thee, have eaten, and they learnt wisdom and their eyes were opened, and they knew that they were naked and they were driven out of the garden."

The Book of Jubilees we see her mentioned again: o bless their Creator, and honour father and mother.

Gospel of the Hebrews we learn: And if any accept the Gospel of the Hebrews -- here the Savior says: Even so did my mother, the Holy Spirit, take me by one of my hairs and carry me away on to the great mountain Tabor.

From The Gospel of Truth, we learn, that the Holy Spirit is truth. Truth appeared; all its emanations recognized it. They actually greeted the Father with a power which is complete, and which joins them with the Father. For each one loves truth because truth is the mouth of the Father. His tongue is the Holy Spirit, who joins him to truth attaching him to the mouth of the Father by his tongue at the time he shall receive the Holy Spirit

So, from a few quotes from these lost books, we can see and believe that we have a mother and father in heaven known as our holy heavenly parents including the son of God a real family in heaven as we do in earth. 2 Corinthians 13:1 tells us that in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. We have more than two witnesses, from these old lost books of the bible that our mother exist. Although I am not a Mormon or Latter-day Saint, I do agree, with them in the sense that they agree; we have heavenly parents. Are you convinced yet? So what do the Mormons say about our Heavenly Parents: According to Mormon doctrine, all human beings, as its doctrinal manual Gospel Principles puts it, are “literally the sons and daughters” of “heavenly parents.”1 Belief in a heavenly mother, while not emphasized, is an official part of Mormon doctrine, as the reference to “heavenly parents” in Gospel Principles illustrates. In the Latter-Day Saint movement, Heavenly Mother or the Mother in Heaven is the mother of human spirits and the wife of God the Father. Those who accept the Mother in Heaven doctrine.

When we look at Genesis 11:7 when God said: Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech. We see our God use the term (US in a parental sense) someone other than himself is present in the decisions and orders made in heaven. I also do not believe in an all-male godhead eliminating the need for a female. When God said in Genesis 2:18 And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. It should be taken into consideration that our God was not alone when this decision was made. It makes no sense to think otherwise: (God being alone when he made this statement, God is alone, but Adam needs companion?) It makes more sense when we look at the scriptures with God having a wife/mate who he created in the beginning that he might not be alone. God was not alone at the time they decided to make a man to till the ground. Remember everything in the earth happened in heaven first. God was lonely so he made himself a mate to share in his glory. What man in the earth wants to be alone without a faithful, loving wife? And when a man gets married, his wife becomes his life, and he puts her over all the works of his hand and trust her with the home and the children while he is at work. Why is this so difficult for men to comprehend that it all happened in heaven first. There is nothing new under the sun that did not happen in heaven first.

In conclusion I believe that we need to start including our Heavenly Mother in our prayers, by saying something like “Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father or by calling them Heavenly Parents which they are. Believe me the devil was in the detail keeping this truth from the populus. I said it earlier I say it again, you cannot have a Father or Child without a Mother: Not in this earth nor in Heaven!

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